Checklists and tasks together are more than checklists and tasks separately
Unlimited number of tasks
Create as many tasks as required
Tasks at the time of inspection and afterwards
Assign tasks at the time of inspection or after completing the inspection when analysing the report
Routine tasks
Allows assigning tasks to any user without being linked to checklists
Improve team productivity
A full-fledged task manager that has extensive task management features
Add photos, video, audio and documents to communicate within the task
Delegate the tasks
Add participants
Postpone the deadline
Receive notifications
Track the time that tasks are in different statuses
Easy browsing and quick search for any task
Juggle has an easy browsing and quick search facility
Fixing violations report
Receive fixing violations report
Add a task category
Use filters to find the proper inspections quickly
Start working efficiently
Increase your productivity, and Juggle will help you with this
Task life cycle
Create task
Automatically / from inspection / manually
Task acceptance
Familiarisation and acceptance of the task
Working with a task
Adding photos, comments, participants, delegation, deferring
Sending a task for review
After completing the task, send it to the administrator for review
Accepting results or returning to work
Add photos, comments, participants
With many inspections, it is increasingly difficult to control the assignment of tasks to fix deviations - this is why we have implemented the auto-assignment module.
As many tasks as you like
Create as many tasks as needed
Activate/deactivate autotasks
For example, when an employee is on holiday
Fixing violations reports
Receive fixing violations reports
Mass assignment
of inspections and tasks
Juggle will assign mass inspections and tasks according to the schedule
How it works
In medium and large companies, creating hundreds or even thousands of inspections at a time is frequently required, and we have developed the "Mass Assignment" module to solve this problem
You set basic parameters for assigning inspections
Juggle verifies that inspections can be created based on the area of responsibility and availability of checklists for users
Mass assignment of inspections and tasks
Juggle - digital audit of the next generation
Download the Juggle mobile app
A convenient tool for data collection
Manage inspections
Geolocation tracking
Working offline
Assigning task in the App
Start your way to automating business audits with Juggle
Free up your time for more important tasks
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