Analytics and Reports
Analytics and Reports
Detailed analytics on inspections and tasks: violations, inspection and task reports, violations by facilities and fixing violations reports
Reports interface
Comprehensive verification information in one report
Inspection report
When the inspection is completed, the report is automatically sent to all responsible employees
Report upload
Possibility to view only violations
Printing report with photo
Display geo-position directly in the report
Comfortable navigation through the report
Sending reports to Juggle users or guests without service access
Add tasks directly from the report
Violations report
Violations report displays a summary of the number of violations on a pie chart
On the left side of the report: pie chart shows the percentage of detected violations by Section/Category
On the right side of the report: table with quantitative indicators
Violations are displayed by checklist groups
Start working efficiently
Increase your productivity, and Juggle will help you with this
Downloading the report to Excel
Upload a report to Excel with a single click
Downloading the report to PDF
Upload a report to PDF with a single click
Extensive set of basic reports
Create user-friendly and useful reports
Downloading reports and parts of reports
Download only part of the report if needed
Start your way to automating business audits with Juggle
Free up your time for more important tasks
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